Home>Posts>While Shia Genocide is underway in Iraq, Nigeria and Pakistan, it seems it’s business as usual for some of America’s Shia clerics

While Shia Genocide is underway in Iraq, Nigeria and Pakistan, it seems it’s business as usual for some of


An American citizen and resident of Seattle, WA was amongst those who were recently massacred in Pakistan by banned Deobandi terrorist group and ISIS-affiliate, ASWJ-LeJ. Some clerics are too busy dissing Ayatullah Sistani and importing Middle Eastern politics. The protest against Shia Genocide has become a programmed ritual of standing outside the Pakistan consulate in your own religio-political base without any outreach to the people and communities you live in.

An American citizen and resident of Seattle, WA was amongst those who were recently massacred in Pakistan by banned Deobandi terrorist group and ISIS-affiliate,  ASWJ-LeJ. Some clerics are too busy dissing Ayatullah Sistani and importing Middle Eastern politics. The protest against Shia Genocide has become a programmed ritual of standing outside the Pakistan consulate in your own religio-political base without any outreach to the people and communities you live in.

They are more interested in burning the U.S. flag as opposed to utilizing our hard won freedom of speech and educating  their attendees against Takfirism and bigotry.  We have lost one of our own to Takfiri violence in Pakistan but our clerics and self-styled Imams are least concerned and bothered about speaking out against this carnage.

Instead of educating our youth on Shia gnosis and about the sacred traditions of our Imams, these clerics are more obsessed about petty community politics and maintaining false neutrality.

Some of them castigate parents and children on their alleged apathy when in fact it is the willful ignorance of these clerics that is the real problem. The other is more interested in playing the local Uncle Tom and enhancing his social networks with Saudi-sponsored clerics.

Neither of them is concerned about either Shia traditions and faith and how Shias are being targeted globally for simply adhering to their Shia identity.


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