Shias become the latest target of Pakistan’s extremist factions
Shias become the latest target of Pakistan’s extremist factions; murders, hate speech and numerous blasphemy allegation sow seeds of long-term religious tension Recent weeks have seen a [...]
World Shia Forum supports SFSR and AMBA’s statement for the rights of Shia Muslims in Pakistan
During the last 42 years, there has been a slow-motion genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan. While local authorities and rights groups have been reluctant to provide detailed databases, [...]
سانحہ 30 ستمبر 1988 ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان کو 32 سال گرر گئے
سانحہ 30 ستمبر 1988 ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان 32 برس گزرنے کے باوجود یہ سانحہ آج بھی ہمارے دلوں میں زندہ و جاوید ہے۔ تاریخ پاکستان میں 22 ذی الحجہ سے 19 صفر 1408 ھ یعنی 5 اگست سے 30 ستمبر 1988 تک کے [...]
Role of Muslim Clergy in Medieval Society of the Indian Subcontinent
Translator: Rabia Aslam Source: Dr. Mubarak Ali, “Almiyah-e-Tarikh”, ch. 9 – 10, pp. 95 – 105, Fiction House, Lahore, (2012). During the reign of Muslim ruling families in India, the [...]
Madhe Sahaba Agitation and Muslim League – by Venkat Dhulipala
Editor’s note: Violence against Shias of Pakistan existed before Pakistan was born as a Muslim democratic state in South Asia. Right after partition of India in 1947, hundreds of graduates [...]
Historical Reality of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi and Shah Waliullah
Translator: Rabia Aslam Source: Dr. Mubarak Ali, “Almiya Tareekh”, Chapter 9, Pages 82. 92, Fiction House Lahore, (2012). After 1857, in order to increase the influence of the Ulema in the [...]
From Mazhar Ali Azhar to Jawad Naqvi – by Hamza Ibrahim
When a community is subjected to persecution and genocide, there are always some members ready to collaborate with the oppressors. This happened in 1930’s and 1940’s when a [...]
Muharram in India during colonial rule – Dr. J. N. Hollister
To the orthodox Sunni, the Shiite Ta’zias (تعزیہ) and the public exposure of grief and mourning as if opposing Allah’s will, even with a martyr, are, to say the least, [...]