
Silver Lining in Christchurch – by AZ

    With three weeks now elapsed since the tragic incident of Christchurch, one can look at it a little more objectively. The way New Zealand’s people, administration, and government [...]

Mehdi Hasan’s glibness should not detract us from his compromised shilling for Gulf monarchies

That Mehdi Hassan is the darling speaker of the North American Shia Muslim circuit is not so much an indication of Mehdi’s alleged abilities. Rather, it is a sad indictment of the intellectual [...]

Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib’s support of Al Qaeda style WSD terrorists while condemning White Supremacist

The contradictory public positions of both Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are most disappointing. On the one hand, they have correctly pointed out the deleterious role of lobbies. However, on the [...]

Horror and tragedy strike New Zealand: Attacks a direct result of dishonest narratives

As we all unequivocally condemn this terrorist attack and mourn for the victims, we can no longer ignore certain elephants in the room. For decades, Shia Mosques have been attacked in both the [...]

Governments and Pundits Got it Wrong: President Asad Is Here To Stay


For six years, the pundits got it wrong. Now realizing that President Asad is here to stay, they are staying quiet.

ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Israel: The Friendship that the Western Media Ignores by Alamdar Khadr

ISIS and Israel: For years Israel has been supporting extremist Wahhabi terrorist organizations like ISIS in order to get back at Iran and sow chaos in the Middle East.

Tulsi Gabbard Demonized For Requesting Evidence for Syria Chemical Attack

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii has taken intense criticism because she demanded Congressional oversight of these illegal and horribly costly regime change wars and the escalation of war in Syria.

Myth of Asad’s Use of Sarin Gas Keeps Getting Exposed

As time goes back, the myth of Syria’s Sarin attack becomes shakier and shakier.

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