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Horror and tragedy strike New Zealand: Attacks a direct result of dishonest narratives


As we all unequivocally condemn this terrorist attack and mourn for the victims, we can no longer ignore certain elephants in the room. For decades, Shia Mosques have been attacked in both the Muslim world and the West (England and Belgium) without any condemnation from the majoritarian Muslim community. If Muslims had been more aware […]

As we all unequivocally condemn this terrorist attack and mourn for the victims, we can no longer ignore certain elephants in the room.

For decades, Shia Mosques have been attacked in both the Muslim world and the West (England and Belgium) without any condemnation from the majoritarian Muslim community. If Muslims had been more aware and sensitive to the precarious plight faced by their own (Shia) Muslims, they would have been able to address the larger issues that cause such tragedies. Instead, Muslims have been either in denial of the atrocities committed on Shia Mosques or actually engaged in apologist and justifications for such attacks.

This attitude was prevalent amongst Muslim liberals, Uncle Toms and Wahhabi Salafi Deobandi extremists (WSD). Atheists who obliquely justified attacks against Shia Muslims. This segment of Muslim liberals, Uncle Toms and Sectarian atheists supported Al Qaeda in Syria and viewed Shia Muslims as impediments in the way of establishing a caliphate in Syria, Yemen and Iraq!

On the other hand, there are those who use sweeping terms like “Islamist” and “Sunni” to target ALL Muslims for the bigotry and violence caused by a specific mindset and sect.

Ironically, this  also includes some Muslim liberals and sectarian atheist types who make a career out of both demonizing ALL Muslims; while ensuring that specific identifier terms like “Takfiri” “Salafi” “Wahhabi” “Deobandi” are kept out of the discourse.

Those who construct and collaborate in creating these dishonest and sweeping terminologies and discourses also have blood on their hands. These dishonest operators are the Neo-Colonialists who pander to xenophobes and racists on the far right; who then perpetrate such horrific acts.

The horrific New Zealand mosque massacre in Christchurch proves that Christian White Nationalist and Wahhabi Salafi Deobandi (WSD) terrorists share a common ideology. Both are inspired by literalist supremacists cults. Both abhor Divinity and Sacredness. Both strengthen the interventionist discourse of Neoconservatives. Both are a by-product of “Enlightened” European Colonialism.

In this recent horrific terrorist attack in Christchurch, one should support PM Jacinda Ardern; one of the most accommodating and courageous leaders on the world stage.

One cannot help feeling that this horrific tragedy is a deliberate and well-planned blow to Jacinda’s Government and to the independent direction taken by New Zealand under the Left government of PM Ardern.

Unlike the current spineless Australian neoliberal establishment, New Zealand has recently emerged as a bold and independent state on the World stage.  PM Jacinda and her independent thinking

have not won her any friends in the “international community”.

I wish her well and pray that New Zealand finds the strength and courage to punish the perpetrators of this massacre and to address the plight of the victims.

The current government in New Zealand is not towing the fraudulent Neocon/Neoliberal narrative and has been made to pay a horrific price in Christchurch.

The horrific New Zealand mosque massacre in Christchurch proves that Christian White Nationalist and Wahhabi Salafi Deobandi (WSD) terrorists share a common ideology. Both are inspired by literalist supremacists cults. Both abhor Divinity and Sacredness. Both strengthen the interventionist discourse of Neoconservatives. Both are a by-product of “Enlightened” European Colonialism.


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