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Azadari is a powerful rejoinder to the Compromised


It is that time of the year when Muawiya Marxists and Sufyani liberals emerge from the woodwork and vent out their carefully disguised sectarian bigotry. Supporting them in mocking Azadari are the Shia Uncle Toms and Aunty Taymiyyahs. There are also those who are so insecure about their political causes, that they want to misappropriate […]

It is that time of the year when Muawiya Marxists and Sufyani liberals emerge from the woodwork and vent out their carefully disguised sectarian bigotry. Supporting them in mocking Azadari are the Shia Uncle Toms and Aunty Taymiyyahs. There are also those who are so insecure about their political causes, that they want to misappropriate Karbala.

Suddenly, those who didn’t care two hoots about thousands of Shia kids being blown to bits in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Pakistan are now against the Azadari of flagellation. Then there are the Uncle Tom types who would rather get along than take a stand to protect the right to free expression.

When it comes to Opposing Azadari and shaming its voluntary participants, it unites Sipah Sahaba, Uncle Toms, Muawiya Marxists and Sufyani liberals and puritanical Shia and their followers.

Each of them creates straw mans and tries their best to dilute and distort a powerful narrative that has survived far worse.

The concept of Azadari is not so much propagation as it is about paying tribute to a Supreme Sacrifice. This was never about a numbers game but about those who appreciate the sacrifice of Karbala and pay homage through devotion.

The idea that Juloos/Azadari has to be about a popularity contest, Dawah and dilution by contemporary political movements is the problem. If people are offended or disagree, that is their right. As long as the participants have a permit to take out their Juloos, it is their right to Free Expression of their most sacred ideals.

Culture is an unmistakable part of any ritual. Those Azadars from South Asia and Iraq who belong to 6000+ years of civilisation and culture should not be held hostage by those less cultured and puritanical.

If you want to establish your Kingdom, clean the trash and make a show about your annual blood donation – while healthy humans donate 4 times that – then please find something else.

There are many decent human beings who are not Muslim and who do not observe Muharram but who continue to dispense their moral and civic duties far better than those who want to dilute Ashura and do nothing else for the remaining 364 days.


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