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Salafi Sectarians are the biggest threat to Sunni Muslims


Neoliberals who continue to push the False Sunni vs Shia binary are in effect, deflecting criticism from DSW (Deobandi Salafi Wahhabi) violence against everyone else, including Sunni Muslims. The next time someone pushes the dishonest line of the “Shia Sectarian Iraqi government” do show them that in fact it is global Salafi Sectarians who are […]

Neoliberals who continue to push the False Sunni vs Shia binary are in effect, deflecting criticism from DSW (Deobandi Salafi Wahhabi) violence against everyone else, including Sunni Muslims. The next time someone pushes the dishonest line of the “Shia Sectarian Iraqi government” do show them that in fact it is global Salafi Sectarians who are the biggest threat to Sunni Muslims (both physically and ideologically). This reaffirms the Gulf Institute’s Report “Who is the Real Sectarian, Saudi Arabia or Iraq, 2014.


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