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CAIR and Mehdi Hasan: Two Ikhwan affiliates converge on military interventions in Muslim majority countries


Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, CAIR and Mehdi Hasan converge. All of them misuse the Islamophobia of the Far Right to peddle their own Wahhabi apologist narratives. In fact, these opportunists provide oxygen to Islamophobes. So for instance, they will never acknowledge that all the terrorist acts in the United States attributed to Muslims have been […]

Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, CAIR and Mehdi Hasan converge. All of them misuse the Islamophobia of the Far Right to peddle their own Wahhabi apologist narratives.

In fact, these opportunists provide oxygen to Islamophobes. So for instance, they will never acknowledge that all the terrorist acts in the United States attributed to Muslims have been committed by Wahhabi Salafi Deobandi WSD terrorists. This obfuscation is a key tactic for ensuring that hatred that grows out of terrorist acts committed by WSD terrorists is attributed to ALL Muslims.

In other words, innocent Sunni and Shia Muslims must be held accountable for the terrorist acts committed by those who ascribe to the cultish WSD views. This is an absurd paradigm as ordinary Sunni, Sufi and Shia Muslims themselves are globally targeted by WSD terrorists

These opportunists also selectively criticize Saudi Arabia and Israel. Both these countries support US intervention in Syria. While Ilan, Rashida, and CAIR are more upfront, Mehdi Hasan adopts the more stealthy and indirect approach based on False binaries.

However, like Ilan, CAIR, and Rashida, Mehdi too is a paid shill of the Ikhwan lobby.

These sectarian Muslim groups and representatives continue to obfuscate WSD identity. They have wasted our social capital and supported wars on Muslim countries.


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