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Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib’s support of Al Qaeda style WSD terrorists while condemning White Supremacist

The contradictory public positions of both Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are most disappointing. On the one hand, they have correctly pointed out the deleterious role of lobbies. However, on the [...]

Open letter from World Shia Forum to the directors of the Universal Muslim American Association UMAA


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Asalamu alaikum. The editors and bloggers at World Shia Forum are writing to you to express their increasing concern at recent developments at UMAA. Whilst we support, [...]

What kind of unity does CAIR want? Hussam Ayloush and Wahhabi Extremism

For Hussam Ayloush, the only Muslim unity is the one that is accepting of Wahhabism, Salafism and Deobandism. If the ideology behind violent extremism is rejected, CAIR will reject you.

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