Shia Islam negates Racism
Recently, a chart has been circulating on social media highlighting the African, Arab, Persian and Turkish ancestry of the Imams. The chart omits the South Asian ancestry and connection of [...]
The state of Shia Muslim community worldwide
When the Bolivian military managed to find Che Guevara out of hiding with the information from a shepherd, they asked the shepherd: “Why denouncing a man who sacrificed himself yet for your [...]
Azadari is a powerful rejoinder to the Compromised
It is that time of the year when Muawiya Marxists and Sufyani liberals emerge from the woodwork and vent out their carefully disguised sectarian bigotry. Supporting them in mocking Azadari are [...]
Conceited Prayers Bring Nothing But God’s Anger | By Asghar Rizvi
Beware of conceited prayers and deeds for they bring nothing but God's wrath.
On Dealing with the Dark Side of the Maulanas
On Dealing with the Dark Side of the Ummah
Worshipping God vs. Self-Worship
Self-worship is the most hidden of spiritual diseases. It is deadly to the soul as it is destructive to our community.
On the Arrogance of Piety. By Rayhan Al-Safawi
The illusion and arrogance of piety may be one of the most deadly spiritual diseases that we have to face
We Inherit the Sins of Our Ancestors. By Rayhan Al-Safawi
The fact that as Muslims we don’t accept the Western Christian doctrine of original sin does not mean that we don’t inherit the results of the sins of our ancestors even if we don’t inherit their [...]