Aya Hachem’s murder: UK foreign policy and structural Shiaphobia
Aya Hachem’s murder raises troubling questions about UK foreign policy and blatant structural Shiaphobia preached by some clerics The causal anti-Shia Bigotry witnessed when fundraisers backed [...]
Understanding Structural Anti-Shī‘ism in Sunnī Diaspora Spaces
Truthfully, it was not until rather recently that I really was able to understand the extent and prevalence of anti-Shia bias in the many spaces, relationships, and academic work I [...]
ملائشیا کی حکومت کے شیعہ شہریوں پر مظالم – تحقیق: ڈاکٹر محمد فیصل موسیٰ، ڈاکٹر تان بنگ ہوئی – ترجمہ
تحقیق: ڈاکٹر محمد فیصل موسیٰ، ڈاکٹر تان بنگ ہوئی ترجمہ: حمزہ ابراہیم خلاصہ یہ مقالہ ملائشیا کے شیعہ مسلمانوں کے خلاف آئینی جبر، مذہبی منافرت اور ان کی منظم تحقیر و تذلیل کی بنیادوں کو سامنے [...]
Taraaj-e Shia – by Hamza Ibrahim
Editor’s Note: The Persecution of Kashmiri Shia Muslims coincided with the period of Proto Takfiri movements like Sirhindi’s. One should be careful not to conflate all Sunnis [...]
State-backed discrimination against Shia Muslims in Malaysia – by Mohd Faizal Musa & Tan Beng Hui
Introduction At the start of 2017, a short video titled “Projek Akidah: Syiah Melayu” (Faith Project: Malay Shias) was uploaded to YouTube to warn Muslims about the dangers Shi’ism posed to Islam [...]
Muharram in the 19th century: Indian paintings, British imagination
Muharram is the first month of the Muslim calendar, but not one to celebrate — rather, it is a month of mourning, observed in particular by Shias worldwide. It commemorates the [...]
Shias of Kashmir: Socio-Political Dilemmas
Come Muharram, the month of mourning, Kashmir’s Shia-dominated areas come alive with black banners, and now increasingly, with portraits of religio-political revolutionary leaders [...]
Jais raids Shia Muslim event at Gombak, arrests 23
PETALING JAYA: Twenty-three people, including women and children, were arrested by Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) officers at a Shia centre at Gombak last night. The [...]