Silver Lining in Christchurch – by AZ
With three weeks now elapsed since the tragic incident of Christchurch, one can look at it a little more objectively. The way New Zealand’s people, administration, and government [...]
Horror and tragedy strike New Zealand: Attacks a direct result of dishonest narratives
As we all unequivocally condemn this terrorist attack and mourn for the victims, we can no longer ignore certain elephants in the room. For decades, Shia Mosques have been attacked in both the [...]
Yemen at war – Whose legitimacy is the right legitimacy? – by Catherine Shakdam
Earlier this September UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths reaffirmed what he sees as his foremost mandate: “to begin the difficult and uncertain journey away from war.” But how does one go about [...]
Saudi Coalition Targets Yemen Refugee Camp Killing 7 Children
Warplanes belonging to the U.S.-Saudi coalition carried out a series of airstrikes on a camp for displaced people in Yemen’s Hodeidah province on Monday. Out of the 14 fatalities, seven of [...]
Ali Abdullah Saleh, Israel and the UAE by Marwa Osman
There is more than meets the eye when it comes to the death of Ali Abdullah Saleh. A coup gone wrong, and a cover up by the UAE, Israel and the Saudis.
The New York Times as a Saudi Wahhabi Shill
The unchallenged podium provided by The New York Times to Mohammad Bin Salman reduces the former to a Saudi Wahhabi Shill. Wahhabi Shill? The New York Times published a typically unchallenged and [...]