Representative Ilhan Omar’s Disappointing vote against recognizing the Armenian Genocide
“U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar, who has positioned herself as a critic of imperialism, an opponent of tyranny and a defender of the oppressed, has disappointed many by her recent stance on [...]
CAIR and Mehdi Hasan: Two Ikhwan affiliates converge on military interventions in Muslim majority countries
Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, CAIR and Mehdi Hasan converge. All of them misuse the Islamophobia of the Far Right to peddle their own Wahhabi apologist narratives. In fact, these opportunists provide [...]
How Sectarianism Operates – By Ali Abbas Taj
How sectarianism operates in the Middle East: as the Syrian conflict nears its end, the methodologies of AQ apologists in the Muslim community and the mainstream media are becoming clear: Here’s [...]
What kind of unity does CAIR want? Hussam Ayloush and Wahhabi Extremism
For Hussam Ayloush, the only Muslim unity is the one that is accepting of Wahhabism, Salafism and Deobandism. If the ideology behind violent extremism is rejected, CAIR will reject you.
National CAIR vs. Local CAIR by Rayhan Al-Safawi
CAIR may be useful at the local level, but its intentions are nefarious at the national and foreign policy level.