Bernie Sanders should seek distance from Faux Progressive Surrogates apologizing for Al Qaeda Atrocities
Linda Sarsour, Mehdi Hasan, Ilhan Omar – these are all prominent Sanders surrogates with a pronounced track road of supporting the Al Qaeda narrative against Syria! They all oppose the [...]
Representative Ilhan Omar’s Disappointing vote against recognizing the Armenian Genocide
“U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar, who has positioned herself as a critic of imperialism, an opponent of tyranny and a defender of the oppressed, has disappointed many by her recent stance on [...]
CAIR and Mehdi Hasan: Two Ikhwan affiliates converge on military interventions in Muslim majority countries
Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, CAIR and Mehdi Hasan converge. All of them misuse the Islamophobia of the Far Right to peddle their own Wahhabi apologist narratives. In fact, these opportunists provide [...]
Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib’s support of Al Qaeda style WSD terrorists while condemning White Supremacist
The contradictory public positions of both Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are most disappointing. On the one hand, they have correctly pointed out the deleterious role of lobbies. However, on the [...]